July 2024 – The Current Job Market in the US

The current job market in the US is a complex picture with both positive and challenging aspects:

Positive aspects:

  • Strong demand for workers: There are still a large number of job openings, indicating that businesses are actively looking to hire. This is good news for job seekers, who have more options and potentially more negotiating power.
  • Low unemployment rate: The unemployment rate has been hovering around 4%, which is considered relatively low historically. This means that a smaller percentage of the workforce is actively looking for work.   

Challenging aspects:

  • Labor shortage: Despite the high number of job openings, many positions remain unfilled due to a shortage of qualified workers. This is particularly prevalent in certain industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and hospitality.  
  • Slowing job growth: While the overall job market remains strong, the pace of job growth has been slowing down in recent months. This could be a sign of a potential economic slowdown.   
  • Wage growth not keeping up with inflation: Although wages have been rising, they haven’t kept pace with inflation, which means that many workers are experiencing a decrease in real income.   


The job market is still considered to be in a healthy state, but it’s showing signs of cooling down. Job seekers may still have plenty of opportunities, but they might need to be more strategic in their search and be prepared to negotiate for better compensation. Businesses, on the other hand, may need to focus on attracting and retaining talent by offering competitive wages and benefits.  

For further information and analysis, you can refer to these resources: